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1 February 2025

     10:00  (ManageWiki log) [IllawarraFan (19×)]
10:00 IllawarraFan talk contribs deleted group "Special:ManageWiki/permissions/confirmed" (remove)
09:59 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/sysop: added rights applychangetags, changetags, createpage, createtalk, edit, sendemail; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (merged confirmed and sysop)
09:19 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights (none); removed rights (none); added addgroups autopatrolled; removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (to readd after made 3 constructive edits)
08:48 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/sysop: added rights (none); removed rights (none); added addgroups bureaucrat; removed addgroups moderator; added removegroups bureaucrat; removed removegroups moderator; added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (bureaucrat is below admin)
08:45 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights (none); removed rights patrol, patrolmarks; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (only admins can do that)
08:42 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autopatrolled: added rights (none); removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (yes) (reduce requirement)
08:40 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights editprotected; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (added edit protected)
08:40 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights (none); removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups autopatrolled; removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (can revoke in cause of abuse)
08:39 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights autopatrol, delete, editsemiprotected, patrol, patrolmarks, rollback; removed rights bot; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (special limited admin)
08:38 IllawarraFan talk contribs deleted group "Special:ManageWiki/permissions/moderator" (rm)
08:37 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autoconfirmed: added rights upload; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (forgot that)
08:36 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autopatrolled: added rights editsemiprotected; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (trusted group)
08:36 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/confirmed: added rights (none); removed rights editsemiprotected; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (in autopatrolled)
08:34 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/sysop: added rights (none); removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself autopatrolled, confirmed, moderator, sysop; added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself autopatrolled, confirmed, moderator, sysop; modified autopromotion (no) (already)
08:34 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights $4; removed rights $5; added addgroups $6; removed addgroups $7; added removegroups $8; removed removegroups $9; added addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs0; removed addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs1; added removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs2; removed removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs3; modified autopromotion (IllawarraFan talk contribs4) (bye)
08:33 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights bot; removed rights noratelimit, managewiki-core, managewiki-extensions, managewiki-namespaces, managewiki-permissions, managewiki-settings, override-antispoof; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups bot, bureaucrat, sysop, interface-admin, autopatrolled, confirmed, member, rollbacker; added removegroups (none); removed removegroups bot, sysop, interface-admin, autopatrolled, bureaucrat, confirmed, member, rollbacker; added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (bye)
08:33 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights $4; removed rights $5; added addgroups $6; removed addgroups $7; added removegroups $8; removed removegroups $9; added addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs0; removed addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs1; added removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs2; removed removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs3; modified autopromotion (IllawarraFan talk contribs4) (removing)
08:33 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights $4; removed rights $5; added addgroups $6; removed addgroups $7; added removegroups $8; removed removegroups $9; added addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs0; removed addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs1; added removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs2; removed removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs3; modified autopromotion (IllawarraFan talk contribs4) (remove)
08:32 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights $4; removed rights $5; added addgroups $6; removed addgroups $7; added removegroups $8; removed removegroups $9; added addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs0; removed addgroupstoself IllawarraFan talk contribs1; added removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs2; removed removegroupsfromself IllawarraFan talk contribs3; modified autopromotion (IllawarraFan talk contribs4) (bye)
     10:00 User rights log IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group membership for IllawarraFan from confirmed user (temporary, until 08:14, 2 February 2025) and administrator to administrator (no longer relevant)
N    09:56  Route 71 2 changes history +629 [IllawarraFan (2×)]
09:56 (cur | prev) +88 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added train stations it serves)
09:03 (cur | prev) +541 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "'''Premier Illawarra Route 71''' does a loop from Shellharbour to Kiama. There are ten services on weekdays and four services on Saturday. ===Variations=== *The second service on weekdays and the first service on Saturdays commences at '''Meehan Drive at Barton Drive'''. *The first and eight service on weekdays commences at '''Bonaira Street at Henley Avenue'''. *The seventh service on weekdays terminates at '''Bonaira Street at Henley Avenue'''. *The sixth service on we...")
N    09:52  MediaWiki:Protect-level-sysop diffhist +22 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Allow only bureaucrats")
N    09:51  MediaWiki:Protect-level-autoconfirmed diffhist +30 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Allow only autopatrolled users")
     09:48  Main Page 9 changes history +870 [IllawarraFan (9×)]
09:48 (cur | prev) +15 IllawarraFan talk contribs (remove heading)
09:32 (cur | prev) +30 IllawarraFan talk contribs (already repeated)
09:28 (cur | prev) −2 IllawarraFan talk contribs (reduce requirement)
09:11 (cur | prev) +506 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added bus company header)
08:56 (cur | prev) +41 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added routes)
08:50 (cur | prev) +46 IllawarraFan talk contribs
08:50 (cur | prev) +25 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added main page and routes)
08:48 (cur | prev) +209 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added levels)
08:42 (cur | prev) 0 IllawarraFan talk contribs (now reduced)
N    09:46  Illawarra Bus Wiki:Guidelines 4 changes history +1,170 [IllawarraFan (4×)]
09:46 (cur | prev) +231 IllawarraFan talk contribs (add edit notices)
09:45 (cur | prev) +17 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added constructive too)
09:44 (cur | prev) −10 IllawarraFan talk contribs (it is for all)
09:43 (cur | prev) +932 IllawarraFan talk contribs (created guidelines page)
     09:46  (Protection log) [IllawarraFan (6×)]
09:46 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected Illawarra Bus Wiki:Guidelines [Edit=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) (High traffic page: policy) (hist)
09:16 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected User talk:IllawarraFan [Move=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) (my talk) (hist)
09:15 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected Template:AM [Edit=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) (High traffic page: No users other than sysops edit) (hist)
09:15 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected Template:AD [Edit=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) (High traffic page: No users other than sysops edit) (hist)
09:15 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected Template:AE [Edit=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) (High traffic page: No users other than sysops edit) (hist)
08:51 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected User:IllawarraFan [Create=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) (Administrative action: Bureaucrats must not create this page!)
N    09:23  MediaWiki:Ipboptions diffhist +30 IllawarraFan talk contribs (3 days so can revoke autopatrolled before block expires)
N    09:18  MediaWiki:Userrights-expiry-options 2 changes history +35 [IllawarraFan (2×)]
09:18 (cur | prev) +18 IllawarraFan talk contribs (A three month trail then six months granted)
09:17 (cur | prev) +17 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "26 weeks:26 weeks")
N    09:15  User talk:IllawarraFan diffhist +153 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "{{subst:AM}} {{subst:AD}}")
N    09:14  Template:AD diffhist +77 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "<!-- This page must not be deleted by any user other than administrators. -->")
N    09:14  Template:AM diffhist +75 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "<!-- This page must not be moved by any user other than administrators. -->")
N    09:13  Template:AE diffhist +76 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "<!-- This page must not be edited by any user other than administrators. -->")