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- The page size changed by this number of bytes
8 February 2025
- Deletion log 18:17 IllawarraFan talk contribs deleted page MediaWiki:Common.js (content was: "Forbid access using this account on weekdays from 7:20am to 7:40am local time.: (function(){ if(!document.body){ // Page not loaded yet! setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100); return; } var s=18*3600+0*60; // Start lockout time, in seconds var e=21*3600+0*60; // End lockout time, in seconds var dt=new Date(); var...", and the only contributor was "IllawarraFan" (talk))
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin 16:50 +94 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "You can contact $1 or another [[{{MediaWiki:Grouppage-sysop}}|employee]] to discuss the block.")
- diffhist MediaWiki:Blockedtext 16:47 +60 IllawarraFan talk contribs (add ban hammer)
- diffhist MediaWiki:Blockedtext-partial 16:47 +60 IllawarraFan talk contribs (add ban hammer)
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Blockedtext-partial 16:41 +513 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "<strong>Your Opal card or single trip ticket is blocked from doing this. You may still be able to do other things on the public transport network, such as catching certain modes of public transport.</strong> You can view the full block details at travel history. {{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|...")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Blockedtext 16:40 +412 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "<strong>Your Opal card or single trip ticket has been blocked.</strong> {{int:blockedtext-made-by|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-reason-comment|$2}} *{{int:blockedtext-start-time|$8}} *{{int:blockedtext-expiration-time|$6}} *{{int:blockedtext-intended-blockee|$7}} {{int:blockedtext-contact-blocker-admin|$1}} {{int:blockedtext-block-ip|$3}} {{int:blockedtext-block-id|$5}} {{int:blockedtext-include-details-queries}}")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Action-createtalk 16:38 +20 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "advocate about buses")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Action-createpage 16:37 +11 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "build buses")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Action-protect 16:34 +39 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "change protection settings for this bus")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Action-delete 16:32 +14 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "scrap this bus")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Action-move 16:31 +14 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "drive this bus")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Action-edit 16:30 +14 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "catch this bus")
2 February 2025
- diffhist MediaWiki:Group-all 14:58 −9 IllawarraFan talk contribs (paper tickets don't exist anyome. Create an account to buy a ticket.)
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-all 14:55 +29 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Paper ticket passengers (all)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-user 14:54 +17 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Passenger (Users)")
- diffhist MediaWiki:Group-autoconfirmed 14:54 +6 IllawarraFan talk contribs (passenger is user)
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-autoconfirmed 14:47 +31 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Passenger (Autoconfirmed users)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-autopatrolled 14:45 +32 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Bus Driver (Autopatrolled users)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-bureaucrat 14:45 +25 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Bus Company (Bureaucrats)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-sysop 14:44 +36 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Transport Authority (Administrators)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-suppress 14:43 +26 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Firefighters (Suppressors)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-checkuser 14:43 +20 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Police (Check users)")
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Group-steward 14:42 +25 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "NSW Government (Stewards)")
- ManageWiki log 14:38 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights suppressredirect; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (trusted)
- diffhist Illawarra Bus Wiki:Guidelines 08:31 +76 IllawarraFan talk contribs (more guidelines)
- ManageWiki log 08:18 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgAutoblockExpiry" for "illawarrawiki" (test done)
- ManageWiki log 08:18 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgAutoblockExpiry" for "illawarrawiki" (test)
- ManageWiki log 08:18 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgAutoblockExpiry" for "illawarrawiki" (test 180)
- ManageWiki log 08:15 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "wgAutoblockExpiry" for "illawarrawiki" (change to 3 days)
- ManageWiki log 07:29 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "public" for "illawarrawiki" (test done)
- ManageWiki log 07:27 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed the settings "private, article-path" for "illawarrawiki" (test)
- ManageWiki log 07:16 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights move, reupload, reupload-shared; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (same as autopatrolled)
- diffhist Illawarra Bus Wiki 07:14 +12 IllawarraFan talk contribs (can move)
- ManageWiki log 07:13 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autoconfirmed: added rights reupload-own; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (reupload self)
- ManageWiki log 07:13 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autopatrolled: added rights move, reupload, reupload-shared; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (move permissions)
- ManageWiki log 07:12 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autoconfirmed: added rights (none); removed rights move, reupload, reupload-shared; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (for a higher group)
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Mainpage 07:05 +18 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Illawarra Bus Wiki")
- diffhist m Main Page 07:04 0 IllawarraFan talk contribs (move tags to bottom as it won't redirect) Tag: New redirect
- diffhist m Main Page 07:04 +231 IllawarraFan talk contribs (added tags) Tag: Removed redirect
- Protection log 07:03 IllawarraFan talk contribs protected Main Page [Edit=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only bureaucrats] (indefinite) [cascading] (hist)
- diffhist Illawarra Bus Wiki 07:02 −17 IllawarraFan talk contribs (no more patrolling)
- ManageWiki log 07:01 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autopatrolled: added rights (none); removed rights autopatrol; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (no need for patrolling)
- ManageWiki log 07:01 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights (none); removed rights autopatrol; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (no need for patrolled)
- ManageWiki log 07:01 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/sysop: added rights (none); removed rights autopatrol, patrol, patrolmarks; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups confirmed; added removegroups (none); removed removegroups confirmed; added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (no need for patrolled)
- Move log 06:50 IllawarraFan talk contribs moved page Main Page to Illawarra Bus Wiki
- diffhist Illawarra Bus Wiki:Guidelines 06:45 +226 IllawarraFan talk contribs (add reporting sectiom)
- diffhist N MediaWiki:Deletereason-dropdown 06:43 +233 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "* Common delete reasons ** Vandalism ** School bus route (Article namespace only) ** Bureaucrat self delete userpage (User namespace only) ** Removing personal information (A sysop should undelete it without the personal information)")
- diffhist Illawarra Bus Wiki:Guidelines 06:42 +18 IllawarraFan talk contribs
- diffhist Illawarra Bus Wiki:Guidelines 06:40 +167 IllawarraFan talk contribs (changed rules)
- ManageWiki log 06:26 IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights (none); removed rights sendemail; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (email does not work)