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2 February 2025

N    14:58  MediaWiki:Group-all 2 changes history +20 [IllawarraFan (2×)]
14:58 (cur | prev) −9 IllawarraFan talk contribs (paper tickets don't exist anyome. Create an account to buy a ticket.)
14:55 (cur | prev) +29 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Paper ticket passengers (all)")
N    14:54  MediaWiki:Group-user diffhist +17 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Passenger (Users)")
N    14:54  MediaWiki:Group-autoconfirmed 2 changes history +37 [IllawarraFan (2×)]
14:54 (cur | prev) +6 IllawarraFan talk contribs (passenger is user)
14:47 (cur | prev) +31 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Passenger (Autoconfirmed users)")
N    14:45  MediaWiki:Group-autopatrolled diffhist +32 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Bus Driver (Autopatrolled users)")
N    14:45  MediaWiki:Group-bureaucrat diffhist +25 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Bus Company (Bureaucrats)")
N    14:44  MediaWiki:Group-sysop diffhist +36 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Transport Authority (Administrators)")
N    14:43  MediaWiki:Group-suppress diffhist +26 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Firefighters (Suppressors)")
N    14:43  MediaWiki:Group-checkuser diffhist +20 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "Police (Check users)")
N    14:42  MediaWiki:Group-steward diffhist +25 IllawarraFan talk contribs (Created page with "NSW Government (Stewards)")
     14:38 ManageWiki log IllawarraFan talk contribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights suppressredirect; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (trusted)
N    13:44  MediaWiki:Common.js diffhist +1,245 IllawarraFan talk contribs (create script that locks out Thursday 6:00PM to 9:00PM)