05:16IllawarraFantalkcontribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat: added rights sendemail; removed rights (none); added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (bureacrats can send)
05:15IllawarraFantalkcontribs changed group metadata for Special:ManageWiki/permissions/autoconfirmed: added rights (none); removed rights sendemail; added addgroups (none); removed addgroups (none); added removegroups (none); removed removegroups (none); added addgroupstoself (none); removed addgroupstoself (none); added removegroupsfromself (none); removed removegroupsfromself (none); modified autopromotion (no) (I can't block email)
05:14IllawarraFantalkcontribs changed the settings "wgAbuseFilterActions, wgRestrictionTypes, wgLocaltimezone, wgFileExtensions, wgTwitterCardType" for "illawarrawiki" (this wiki is talking about stuff in NSW)
MediaWiki:Deletereason-dropdowndiffhist+233IllawarraFantalkcontribs(Created page with "* Common delete reasons ** Vandalism ** School bus route (Article namespace only) ** Bureaucrat self delete userpage (User namespace only) ** Removing personal information (A sysop should undelete it without the personal information)")
N 05:49
Route 93diffhist+279IllawarraFantalkcontribs(Created page with "'''Dion's Bus Service Route 93''' runs from Bulli to University of Wollongong. On weekdays, there are seven services to University of Wollongong and six services to Bulli. ==NSW train stations it serves== ===Bulli=== ===Woonona=== ===Bellambi=== ===Corrimal=== ===Fairy Meadow===")